A film by Fraser Mac Naught & André Delacroix
Directed by André Delacroix

An exclusive portrait of the young leader of the Labour party. The team which made this documentary was the only one authorized to follow him from April 1996 onward during his election campaign.

“New Labour, New Britain” was the slogan of the Labour party´s campaign. Tony Blair, who rose to the head of the party aged 40, committed it to far-reaching reforms. Breaking with the tradition which had made the Labour party the political arm of the powerful workers´ labor unions founded in the 19th century, Tony Blair promotes a partnership-based socialism which is closer to the German model.

From a bourgeois family, and with a father loyal to the Conservative party, Tony Blair benefited from a traditional education, namely at Oxford University. As a student, he was a rock singer who dreamed of becoming an actor, and an actively practicing Christian. He became a lawyer at a very young age and chose to become a member of the Labour party. Aged 30, it was almost by chance and against all odds after his first campaign in 1993, that he became Member of Parliament for Sedgefield, a small village to the south of Newcastle which he still represents at the House of Commons. The man everyone calls Tony is, notwithstanding occasional contradictions with his own party, a hope for renewal in British society after 17 years of implacable Thatcherism.