Marriage, this pivotal institution in society, is in the sights of every observer in our world, from sociologists to economists, politicians to advertisers, writers to film-makers. Marie-Hélène Alessandra, a young cineaste and former student at FEMIS, the top French film school, offers a new way to approach the issue which does not walk down the same well-trodden path. She offers an allegory about where this institution lies, about its colorful nature both socially and culturally in modern France, thanks to a group of friends who are all in a slightly out-of-the-ordinary profession, one which is sometimes unrewarding, but still alive & that of the wedding photographer. Life, time, love, friendship, hatred, death… from all the images they are privy to, only one will they bring out, feeling slightly obliged, that of happiness, and the ´most beautiful day in anyone´s life´.