A film by Albert Solé Bruset
Written in collaboration with Anne Labro & Jessica Menéndez


Running Time: 52' | 90'

/ Format: HD

/ Available versions: FR | EN

Thirty years after his death, Joan Miró has become an iconic figure in the art world. The more time passes, the more his work becomes universal, going beyond borders and genres. His work lives outside of museums, on the walls of prestigious institutions, and his influence extends into design and architecture and is visible in the most unexpected places…

Thanks to the exceptional presence of Joan Punyet Miró, the artist’s grandson and administrator, as well as previously unseen archives and a privileged access to his work and his studio, we shall discover some of the painter’s less familiar facets: the private Miró, who could «by day be a treasure, and by night, a monster»; Miró the provocateur, as well as the Miró who was sensitive to the distress of his compatriots. We shall also evoke the pressures involved in handling such an immense painter’s  heritage, a burden which falls on a single descendant, and the tragic fate of most of the members of his family.

A film by Albert Solé
Written in collaboration with Anne Labro, Jessica Menéndez
Original music: Samuel Hirsch
Editing: Jessica Menéndez
Artistic advisor: Joan Punyet Miró
Graphics: Thomas Fage, Michel Naufal

French broadcaster: Arte
Coproducer: CPB Films (Cie des Phares et Balises), Minimal Films, Arte France, Televisió de Catalunya, Réunion des musées nationaux, Avrotros, IB3
International sales: CPB International