A film by Patrick Benquet

Running Time: 2x80'

/ Format: HD

/ Available versions: FR | UK

Exactly 24 African countries are part of “Françafrique”, they nearly all gained independence in 1960 when General De Gaulle was returned to power and gave it to them. This system is essentially based on putting friendly black leaders into power, with donations of colossal amounts of money ensuring their obedience to France’s interests.
“Françafrique” is a macabre thriller that has been going on for 50 years. It’s a story of fighting for influence, of corruption, of dictators supported and progressive leaders murdered, the massacre of populations tolerated if not encouraged, smuggling of weapons, of secret services, and spectacular military operations.

A film by Patrick Benquet
Historical advisor : Antoine Glaser
Editing: Françoise Tubaut
Documenter: Mathilde Guinard
Original music : Christophe Marejano
Image : Christophe Michelet, Christophe Petit, Olivier Raffet, Philippe Coutant, Emmanuel Broto
Commentary by Volodia Serre

A co-production of Compagnie des Phares et Balises & Ina
With the participation of France Télévisions and LCP Assemblée nationale
With the support of the Centre National du cinéma et de l’image animée, PROCIREP – Société des Producteurs and ANGOA, as well as the Ile-de-France Region, in partnership with the CNC

National Broadcaster : France Télévisions, LCP Assemblée Nationale

International Sales :
Planète + France
Planète + Canada
CFI Africa
Al Jazeera Documentary  Middle East
Al Jazeera English Qatar
Al Jazeera Balkans
Al Jazeera Turkey
Red Media Group Russia
Vox Africa
Ayat Media Iran

© Cie des Phares & Balises – Ina – 2010


Lauriers of radio and television award (March 2011)
Ep 1 : « Reasons of State », presented at FIGRA 2011
Ep 2 : « Money talks », selected in competition at FIGRA 2011