a film by Joseph Beauregard and Laurent Greislamer
directed by Joseph Beauregard

Running Time: 52'

/ Format: HD

/ Available versions: FR | UK

This film is the portrait of the founder of both the French 5th Republic and the famous newspaper “Le Monde”, the portrait of a soldier and a journalist. Charles De Gaulle became a legend when he freed France and put the nation on
the right path. Faced to him, Sirius aka Hubert Beuve-Mery the incorruptible embodiment of the press independance. It’s hard to imagine a more asymmetrical face to face between these two proud figures. Everything should have
drawn them closer to each other instead of tearing them appart. It was a rough fight between the one who make decisions and the one who analyses them; the one who takes action and the one who passes judgement.


A film by Joseph Beauregard and Laurent Greilsamer
Directed by Joseph Beauregard
Original score: Samuel Hirsch
Commentary by Thierry Blanc
Editing: Florent Maillet
Draughtsman: Antoine Silvestri

National Broadcaster : France 5

Non-theatrical rights : Cinéfête Canada