A film by Mélanie Dalsace
Collection History’s Greatest Lies

Running Time: 52'

/ Format: HD

/ Available versions: FR | EN

12th December 2008, in the very midst of the financial crisis, Bernard L. Madoff was arrested and handcuffed in front of the media. This former stockbroker was behind the largest financial fraud in US history. 65 billion US dollars! This lie lasted for over 20 years … How did this former lifeguard who had become a rich businessman by age 50 managed to convience so many institutions and wealthy individuals to entrust their money to him?

A film by Mélanie Dalsace
Based on an original idea by Anne Labro
Produced by Loren Baux-Richardot
Co-written with Barbara Tapie
Presented by Fabrice d’Almeida
Image by Nina Bernfeld, Hervé Glabeck and Mélanie Dalsace
Original music by Nicolas Neidhardt

A Compagnie des Phares & Balises production
With the participation of RMC Découverte, RTBF, Speigel TV, Planète + Poland and Odisea
With the support of the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée and PROCIREP-ANGOA
French broadcaster: RMC Découverte
Distributor: CPB International

© Cie des Phares & Balises – 2019