A film by Sonia Gonzalez
Collection History’s Greatest Lies

Running Time: 52'

/ Format: HD

/ Available versions: FR | UK

Disinformation and lies through omission: During 10 years, british politicians and lobbyists have worked to reduce the importance of the greatest food-industrial crisis since World War II.
On March 20th of 1996, it eventually became public that the prion could communicate the «mad cow disease» to humans. At this time ten British citizens got a deadly disease, the Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease. They were suspected to got it by eating infected meat.

A film by Sonia Gonzalez
In the collection History’s Greatest Lies
Based on an original idea by Anne Labro
Produced by Loren Baux-Richardot
Presented by Fabrice d’Almeida
Image by Pierre-François Didek
Original music by Nicolas Neidhardt

A Compagnie des Phares & Balises production
With the participation of RMC Story, RMC Découverte, Speigel TV, RTP, AMC, Télé-Québec, RSI, Planète + Poland and FTV Prima
With the support of the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée
French broadcaster: RMC Découverte
International Sales: CLPB Rights – Julie Tolza

© Cie des Phares & Balises – 2021