A film by Jean-Marie Carzou & Jean Lacouture

A minister several times between 1959 and 1969, Jean-Marcel Jeanneney is one of the key figures of the Fifth Republic in France. Thanks to his role in France´s economic and industrial recovery, just as Algeria was given its independence, he was a tireless defender both of the Republic and of the State. Jean-Marcel Jeanneney´s story is part of a family destiny. His father, Jules Jeanneney, an elected member of parliament from 1902 onwards, was a minister under Clemenceau from 1917 to 1919, and President of the Senate from 1932 to 1940. He was Minister for the State during the French Liberation, and in General de Gaulle´s provisional government from September 1944 through December 1945. His son Jean-Noël, a historian, took up ministerial functions under the authority of François Mitterrand. This vigilant “republican memory”, from Clemenceau to de Gaulle is what we would like to share with you under the skilful eye of Jean Lacouture.