“Germinal 2003” does not tell the story of the umpteenth factory closure. This film deals rather with what is today called ´collateral damage´ & how families who lived for the factory and made their living from it, are discovering that their future is being signed away.
The Bertrand “clan” is refusing the idea that their identity is to be wiped out, and in the process, make this industrial region vanish. Over three generations, the family´s men have given their lives, and their health, to Metaleurop. How can a handful of Swiss shareholders allow the green light to be given for what is effectively the ´suicide´ of 830 metalworkers, including those of the Bertrand clan?
Jean-Pierre, 48, would like to organize resistance. But Roberta, his wife, is clamping down. She doesn´t want to fight any more. She no longer harbors any illusions about what is to become of a working class bound for surefire extinction.
Will resignation win out over resistance? The climate created by the announcement of the factory´s closure reopens old wounds within the family, and a human drama unfolds before our eyes.
At the factory – Jean-Pierre still wants to believe in the factory´s future, pinning his hopes on a possible new buyer who could save the business. The reality of this possibility is quite different, however.
At home – Roberta wants to leave Jean-Pierre who is scared of losing everything.
On the day of her 49th birthday, everything changes.
We know how it starts, but we don´t know how it will end.